Find Your Voice: Presentation from Blogworld NY

Jill Foster of Live Your Talk and I presented at Blogworld NY last month, and the topic was a bit different for Blogworld fare. Our session title was Speak Up: Empowering Women to Find Their Voices.

This session was the culmination of a brainstorm with Deb Ng and Rick Calvert of Blogworld after I shared with them the vision for Chain of Daisies: To empower more women to pitch to speak at major tech, business and venture conferences and be a pipeline for conferences looking to diversify their speaker lineups.

The session was packed with mostly women (one or two men did attend), and the interactions were high energy and dynamic.

Here are the slides we started out with to get the dialogue rolling:

The rest of the workshop was very interactive with Jill presenting on how to develop your speaking and presenting “practice” followed by working with the women in the room to develop a list of their speaking topics, titles for proposed presentations and the key takeaways for those sessions.

The overall goal? Submit a proposal to Blogworld West or a conference of their choice. Just. Do. It. And some of the women are doing just that.

You can read a brief writeup of the#BWEVoice session in a post on Huffington Post by Marcia G. Yerman. Stay tuned for details about a West Coast version of the #BWEVoice session. Yes, we hope to be in LA. Will we see you there?

What conferences will you be speaking at this year, and how can we support you in your efforts to speak at more?

About Aliza
I'm a human being, wife, mother, author, and speaker. Online since 1987. Web pioneer (founded Cybergrrl/Webgrrls in 1995). Author of 12 books. Freelance writer.

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